Our Spring 2018 Collection is available for immediate shipping Friday, March 16th.
The theme for this collection (continued into Summer 2018) is the idea of individuality and being yourself. Throughout these collections you will see graphics and branding contributing to this idea such as the INFORMAL logo being written with all letters capitalized except for the 'i' to reverse the conventional style of capitalization. We also have the logo's "i'M NOT YOU" and "yOU'RE NOT ME" placed strategically on certain items to distinguish the wearer from the viewer, making the viewer repeat these statements to themselves in their head when they see them, thereby forcing the viewer to hear that their is a separation between themselves and the wearer.
Also, throughout the collection you will see the repeated use of the Black Panther graphic designed in a traditional tattoo-like style. This graphic was combined with sets of red or white roses and was used with the idea that the Black Panther is a rare and individualistic large cat who's coloring makes it stand out from other large cats, therefore reinforcing an idea of individuality. We used a traditional style graphic to create a sense of timelessness to the pieces.
The Spring 2018 Collection features a variety of Denim Jackets with 1 Satin Jacket, as well as multiple styles of Denim Jeans, creating some "Canadian Tuxedo's" asavailable outfits for a discount. We also have multiple French Terry Hoody styles featured with matching French Terry Trackpants to allow for French Terry Tracksuits also available for a discount. To finish, we also have Jersey Cotton T-shirts and Longsleeves available to purchase.
Below is a link to our Spring 2018 Lookbook and Spring 2018 Collection to be able to view or shop directly. Simply click on the image to be taken directly to these pages: